
Market Research Japan

Uncovering insights for success in Japan's dynamic market

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Gain insights on the various industries and business landscape in Japan to achieve sustained growth in the local market.


Expand your business in the Japan market and edge out your competition with support from our expert team.


Transform your business to improve your performance, lead the market, and reach your goals.

Navigating Japan's growth in 2023


According to revised data, the Japanese economy narrowly avoided a recession in the final months of 2022. Weak consumption barely contributed to growth after a contraction in the third quarter, and this underscores the difficulties policymakers face as they work to stabilize the fragile recovery.

Inflation has hit a record high while global growth has slowed. Many countries have implemented monetary tightening measures, further hindering Japan's post-pandemic revival. Despite efforts such as relaxing COVID-19 restrictions, providing energy subsidies, and implementing ultra-easy economic policies, the world's third-largest economy continues to face significant challenges.

At Market Research Japan, we specialize in identifying sustainable growth strategies within the diverse range of industries in Japan. Our expert analysis provides a comprehensive market understanding, uncovering opportunities and potentials beyond surface-level insights.

Our services include market entry strategies, competitive benchmarking, channel model identification, market assessments, M&A, and partner due diligence, without limiting ourselves to any particular area.

With years of experience in the field, Market Research Japan enables our clients to successfully navigate the dynamic Japanese market. By leveraging our in-depth knowledge of the market's characteristics, we provide unique perspectives and insights for your needs. We will ensure that your business will thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

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